Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's Thursday!

SO, when you read Single Girl in the City, I imagine you imagined a big city like New York or Los Angeles. Or even Chicago.
I'm stationed in Champaign, Illinois.
So, yeah, maybe it's not a huge metropolis. But, hey! I grew up in a town where the shopping options were Walmart and Farm and Home.
Basically, I feel like singing like Tracy Turnblad whenever I leave the apartment.
"Good morning, Cha-ampaign!" It's a bit of a stretch; just go with it.
In short, I have arrived!
Annnnnyway, I just moved here and realized that getting connected is HARD. Especially when you're starting from scratch. Especially when you're not in college. Because, in college it seems like you're being brave, and stepping put of your comfort zone, and being an extrovert. But, friends, I'm here to tell you: This just isn't true.
For instance, how do you make friends in college?
How did I? Band. Choir. Roommates. Classmates. Clubs. See? Everything was readily available. There was no searching or very much risk.
Eragon (ergo), I'm challenging myself this week. And, while I realize zero to no people read this blog, I'm challenging everyone out there, too.
In this next week I will:
Strike up real conversations with my coworkers.
Actually talk to my barista.
Say hello to my neighbors.
And, finally, join a group of some kind.
And I will write about it.
Alright, it's on the internet. So I have to do it.

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